
BETA v0.13 Changelog

by rich • Apr 11, 2022 • 112
edited by rich on May 1, 2024

There's been a lot of changes & additions since our last update that we're excited to announce. First we want to bring you up to date on the current release status- we were aiming to announce a version 1.0 release date sometime this month, though there are some uncertainties that have just come to light related to our stock market data provider whom we've been in communication with the past 2 months regarding some limitations we were expecting to be changed but recently received notice that it's not happening in the way we've been led to believe or had hoped. We don't like to rush development, not because progress is slow, but we care that user experience is up to expectation and platform uptime is stable. We'll continue to plea & negotiate with our current provider, but are now on the hunt for a new provider that meets our standards and is tailored to the platform's needs.

Never before have we needed your support more than now, we have so many plans for the current app & Discord bot and are now testing brokerage connection functionality to automate inputs of trades, allow for automated signals to Discord or social media, and most importantly is automated or copy trading. You might ask "What's so important about version 1?" besides the much-needed trader's stats reset, version 1.0 means our platform maintains stability without unexpected outages or downtime which is crucial for end user experience. We humbly ask you avid users to kindly consider supporting our cause by donating (see below for more options) or subscribing to the PRO membership. We'll make an announcement when we've settled this issue and have a date set for version 1.

Now onto the good news; Most of you already know about expired options trading being automatically closed at EOD on expiration, and some of you may have already noticed the new Set TP/SL button open trade input's confirmation. It's pretty straight forwardx but to learn how to use the TP/SL functionality you can use the $help command or check out our new full documentation source. For server owners adding our bot, we've created the $setup command and have covered the different settings in the documentation and have put together a short 3 minute how to video. Setup is not required for the bot, but the current & future settings will tailor the bot to your server's needs. Check out the changelog below for all the latest additions, changes, & fixes.



Added Features:

TP/SL functionality - A Take Profit or Stop Loss can now be set for all trade inputs. A button labeled "Set TP/SL" has been added to the bot's confirmation message on open inputs, and when pressed prompts you with an ephemeral message instructing how to properly set or cancel one or both. This button can be used again at any time while the trade is open.

$list command - The $list command brings up a list of your 5 recent open trades with a Set TP/SL button for each one that can be used to initially set, change, or cancel their TP/SL at any time.

Auto closing expired options trades - If options trades are left open or do not have a Take Profit or Stop Loss (TP/SL) set they will automatically be closed at market close on their expiration date.
     For trades that have been trimmed (partially close), when expired they will close at the price of that trim, reflecting those gains. If multiple trims, it calculates an average gain as it usually does with trades that have trims- except on expiration it does not calculate the loss into it that close.

Daily & Weekly trades can be displayed by using the $daily <user> command to show you or the specified user's trades for the last 24 hours, and $weekly <user> to show you or the specified user's trades for the last 7 days. This displays your trade input data, profit/loss, average gain, and total gain. (Specifying user is optional, and can be used with @mention or their TH username)

$stats command addition - A timeline syntax has been added to specify the length of time to display stats for. Use -time after the $stats command or the user if specified, followed by the number and timeframe to show stats for. By default, stats display career or all-time stats. You can use -time or -t for short.
Example; $stats -time 1w shows your stats for 1 week | $stats @Hubert -time 30d shows the trader Hubert's stats for last 30 days. | $stats -t 10d shows your stats for last 10 days

Ability to input multiple trades in a single message. You can open or close multiple trades by placing them in a multiline codeblock using three (3) backticks ``` at the start and the end of the message. We don't recommend attempting to input more than 5 trades at once. Using this to open & close a trade to boost your win rate will flag your account and subject to those trades to be removed and possible suspension of your account.
```bto aapl @ cmp
bto spy 1/23 456c @ 2.34```

$setup command - Running the $setup commands prompts you with all the available settings commands.

Market Data Commands:
$chart command - Charts by TradingView can be displayed using the $chart command followed by a ticker and optional timeframe, by default charts are shown in a 5 minute timeframe. Can use $c for short. Also works for crypto when paired with a currency.
minute or min or m | day or d | week or w | year or y
Example; $chart TSLA shows a 5-minute chart for TSLA | $chart AAPL 1d shows a 1-day chart for AAPL | $c SPY 1week shows weekly SPY chart | $c BTCUSD 15min shows 15-minute chart for Bitcoin
Indicators will be added soon.

$stock command - Displays the following info/data for any stock (major exchanges); volume, avg. Volume, open, close, high, low, year low, and year high including pre-/post-market hour prices during extended hours. Can use $s for short. Can also get this data for crypto when paired with a currency, will add it's own command soon.
Example; $stock AMC | $s GME

$price command - Displays only the price of a ticker, including pre-/post-market prices during extended hours. Can use $p for short. Also works for crypto when paired with a currency.
Example; $price TSLA | $p AAPL | $p ETHUSD

Website Additions:

Added dropdown menu on dashboards to toggle display of stats for day/week/month/quarter/yearly/career or all-time. By default, dashboards now display stats for the past 30 days.

Added the Total Gain stat to display your total gains by percentage.

Ability to export or download all your trade data in stats in a .csv or spreadsheet format. Look for the Download CSV button on your settings page.



Fixed issue with not using space between @ and price. Inputs no longer need proper spacing between ticker, exp. date, strike, call/put, @, priceCould even input the whole trade without a single space.

Revamped the $help command. Added info for TP/SL functionality, server setup overview, changed buttons into a dropdown menu, and added the documentation button.

Adjusted leaderboard ranking formula to not reward so much for having higher quantity of closed trades. (Working on multiplier for stocks vs options gains)

Trades page no longer displays expired trades. They were flooding the page when the market closed each day.
When trades expire with a trim/partial, will no longer calculate the -100% into it's profit/loss.


On Our Side:

Re-writing the whole frontend in react. Navigation bar, hot stocks, and create account page finished.


Known Issues:

Charts command is still being ironed out, working on a permanent fix when it no longer functions due to changes on TradingView.

When bot is slow or replying with confirmations with a delay, has a slight chance of not logging the trade even though it seems it has. This is due to our stock market data provider and will be fixed before version 1.0 is announced.


What's to come:

Different triggers such as buy, buying, bought, sell, selling, sold, short, long.

Different input formats. Ability to place strike price before expiration date as well as using trim, trimming, partial, scaling as a trigger in the beginning rather than at the end.


Final Notes:

We'd like to remind you to please consider donating to our cause to help support the platform, it's sustainability, and it's future development work. We promise you neat things are in the works whether you're a trader or analyst. We greatfully appreciate any support you choose to offer, feel free to reach out for a promo code for a percentage off or free month(s) for your contributions to be used whenever, no expiration.


    PayPal: [email protected] OR PayPal Donate
    CashApp: $TradeHub
    Coinbase: [email protected] - Can transfer any crypto & for free when doing coinbase-to-coinbase transfers.
    Crypto: Contact us if you'd like to donate a different coin/token [email protected]
        Bitcoin (BTC): 3NPwubJKVwn751NGrTgwZoP9ALsDQuEA5p
        Ethereum (ETH): 0xd8842865661b6901F04593d216Fe061DE906f312
        Litecoin (LTC): MJH2gpgZnkVts4Y1S6cvoLfmab1MthDYoT
        Ripple (XRP): rw2ciyaNshpHe7bCHo4bRWq6pqqynnWKQg - Memo: 514910569
        USDT Addresses: 
             TRC20: TPfsBMDZTfkBQTcq1y1bhNshACjkFpaQnT
             ERC20: 0xd1d5B859f3BbB3671D77B4aD6130aB8AbA6cF2A9
             BEP20: 0x45Ac4b386c78F2E4394DDfF947Dd626340da521A

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