
BETA v1.0 Drops Monday! (7-4-2022)

by rich • Jun 29, 2022 • 171
edited by rich on May 1, 2024

Edit: Even though all your trades and stats are missing from your dashboard, they are not gone! You can still download them by going to Settings > scroll down > Download Data. At this time it is uncertain if old trade data will be displayed from now til the stat reset on Monday. As mentioned below, any trades put in these next 2 days won't be stored but apparently will be displayed- for now at least.

Edit2: Old trade data will not be displayed. It is not gone, you can still download it through your settings page. All trades input Thursday & Friday will be removed by Monday, we suggest not opening any swings as they won't be there to close next week.

Today we wrapped up the final testing of the new code for our bot. We implemented it at 2:30pm EST which is now in effect, with the plans for community wide testing for Thursday & Friday to find the bugs that go unnoticed during our development testing. Your trades during these 2 days will be logged by the bot, but they will NOT be stored and displayed on the website- therefore your trade data for these 2 days will not be available to download. While on the subject of downloading trade data, Sunday at 11:59pm EST will be the last time you can download all your trade data. Take your screenshots of your dashboard stats now, they will be reset after the weekend!

Monday starts a clean slate platform wide- all trade history and stats will be reset to zero. As far as logging and storing trades accurately, all previous bugs and issues will no longer be. We'll be rolling out a new tolerance system before Monday to permanently fix the "Your price is too far off the current market price" issue, and unless you're cheating prices you should no longer run into this reply when inputting trades. Furthermore, we'll also be doing some final touches on the website to wrap up entirely this 2 part update for the release of BETA v1.0 so you can expect to see some more, but minor changes to the web display.

I'll end this off off with this scheduled list to make it known what's expected, what's next, and a general timeline. REMINDER: Your trades for Thursday & Friday will be logged by the bot, but NOT be stored or displayed on the website!

Wednesday - Roll out new trade structure for bot.
Thursday - Community testing, finding bugs/issues.
Friday - Community testing, finding bugs/issues. Implementing new tolerance system for prices to fix "Your price is too far off..."
Saturday -  Enabling toggles/filters on Rankings page, it will now show ranks for last 30 days by default. Trades page will show 25 trades, when scrolled to bottom will load another 25- will do this to get last 12 hours of trade.
Sunday - Final touches, last minute fixes, polishing up.
Monday - STAT RESET!


What's to Come Next?

We stated before this was only the beginning. With your help, we're always finding ways to improve the performance of our app & bot, we will continue to do so. We're also in the works on the crypto version, so you can expect to see that rolled out within 6-8 weeks. If you'd like to help beta test and be a voice for how it functions and works, please drop in our server and let us know.
- Finish up trade view page
- Add options spreads and multi-legs
- New embed reply options
- Adding servers back to rankings page so you can rank amongst only those in your server.
- Brokerage connection!



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