Options trades will be temporarily unavailable today. We're working on the issue and hope to resolve it ASAP, aiming for mid-day but end of day at the latest. For those using the Discord bot, ontinue sending your signals or trades as you normally would, this will act as a log you can provide us to force those in your behalf when options are back to nominal. For those using the app, just create a log of your trades and send them to us.
If you have any options trades that need to be submitted, you can send them in our Discord #help channel or by email. Feel free to send one at a time, or a list at the end of the day. We'll get this in as soon as we can. We greatly apologize for this inconvienence as it hits us where it hurts when we've been focusing a lot on improving user experience over the past 4-5 weeks.
6:12am EST: Identified & diagnosed issue with options data. Implentation of fix underway.
9:30am EST: Implementing new endpoints.
1:50pm EST: Currently testing, changing ticker aliases.
2:42pm EST: Complete. Options trades & data nominal.