
[RESOLVED] Unscheduled Downtime for 2 Hours

by rich • Mar 16, 2023 • 208
edited by rich on May 30, 2024

What a nightmare! Here's what happened; We were experiencing some disruption in our uptime, which had gotten worse over the past couple weeks. So we decided to ditch our server provider and go right to the source. We've been migrating everything from the old server to the new over the past 48–72 hours, and it was all running smoothly once completed. Until 12:01 a.m. Wednesday morning, when we noticed everything was offline. After searching for the cause, we learned what was keeping us offline. There's no nicer way to say it, but I'll come right out with it. Your loyal lead developer, Meow, didn't check his emails for 48 hours, (amateur hour), where he would have seen the notification from our new service provider regarding that they needed identification documents to continue using their service, so we weren't made aware of this until they locked us out. We promptly submitted the required credentials, but their business operation hours are in Central European Time, and we missed them by one hour. Being as how we were just finalizing the migration to the new server, the latest backup of our database was at least 2 days old, and by the time we were able to set it up on the older server, the markets were closed. We are truly sorry for the inconveniences this may have caused and will be active in the support server to provide assistance in getting your trades placed in.


We're back online, send in your fixtrades!

We've been lucky to get support during the off-hours, and as of a couple hours after this post was published, we're now back online. We know a lot of you have trades that need to be placed on your behalf that were attempted to be submitted yesterday, and we will gladly get those in for you. All you need to do is either run the $fixtrade command or head into our Discord server and provide your trades in the help channel. If using the $fixtrade command, when you are prompted to show proof-of-trade, simply screenshot your messages wherever you attempted to submit them.


Version 2.0 news & update

Since we're here, I might as well update you on the progress, since it's been a long time coming. For the past 3+ months, we've been working on the new web app and mobile app designs. A couple weeks ago, we parted ways with the lead designer after finding a replacement who could handle the scale of this project with a talent for detail and speed of progress. In the past 2 weeks, we've been able to accomplish everything it took the last 3 months to do. We have finished the Trades, Rankings, Dashboard, and Signup/Login pages 100%. We're now working on the settings page, which will be followed up with the New Trade display and other popup UIs such as the Tweet & Discord embed/message builders and webhook settings.

As far as the bot's development goes, we're very close to completing our 'soft launch' to-do list. We've added support for stocks, options, crypto, and forex trade submissions, along with easy-to-use (optional) slash commands. We've been putting in the hours and cranking out thousands of lines of code. I would also like to take this moment to welcome our newest developer, jnguyen, who's been working with us for the past several weeks. A talented coder with a solid work ethic and drive for app completion.

The goal is to get a soft launch by the beginning of April, where we'll be inviting active servers and users to add the 2.0 bot that will work in tandem with the original bot and in the background. We'll also be fully transitioning to this new bot once v2.0 is fully released. Why, you ask? Well, we have some exciting news we plan to drop with the new release of our app, and Discord makes it hard to implement these changes, so we're using an alternative method. More about this will be released in the coming weeks after the soft launch is successful.


We want to thank all of you for your continued support and activity on the platform; without you, there would truly be no point in putting in long and sometimes frustrating hours. Many thanks!
Fun fact; I asked ChatGPT to write this title with the qeury "Write a blog title about service being offline and now it's back on, make it sound sincere"

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