
Week 3 BETA - Changelog

by rich • Dec 5, 2021 • 29
edited by rich on Dec 6, 2021

Another SOLID week of beta testing! An additional 20+ servers have chosen to participate in the early stages putting the total at over 90. We've noticed a good spike in user signups and are hoping to get other servers to opt in and offer the bot to their members, with a platform such as this- the more the better. We're working on building partnerships with other communities to help expand the reach of this platform. 

Some good news, we just qualified last week for Discord's bot verification. We've put in the application and they replied quickly informing us our application looks good. We're looking forward to hearing back from then about the status as we need approval to allow the bot in more than 100 servers.

This weeks release created a fairly big changelog. Some of the bigger features implemented into the bot & website are fully functioning trader's overall stats, though we have plans to expand the stat system and the way it's displayed. We've also enabled reputation which is our own type of karma system. We fixed some issues and made some changes, mostly minor. We have some exciting features planned this week, you can get all the in depth info from the latest changelog.


News & Updates

Added Features:

TRADING STATS! Possibly the most appealing feature is users trading stats. For now, we calculate your win rate, average gain, and most traded stocks. These stats are displayed on your dashboard, we have ideas for more stats to display along with some cool charts/graphs to track them.
Note: All previous plays are calculated toward your stats.

Related to stats, we've created a cool embed design for dashboard/profile links. On your dashboard you'll notice a small icon on the bottom right of your biography/description, clicking this will copy to your clipboard a short URL link to your profile/dashboard to share on Discord or any social media- and when sharing this, an embed will show an image with your username & stats as shown in the example.

In Discord you can also use $stats to pull up your stats, or $stats <username> using a Trade Hub (NVSTly) username or $stats <@user> by using discord name to pull up stats of another trader.

REPUTATION is here! You may have noticed a "+REP" button on rows within the Trades page, or on a traders dashboard (except your own). You can +rep however many people in a day, but can NOT +rep the same trader more than once per day. This helps keep the rep system exclusive and shows traders with high reputation are doing something correct and have been recognized. You can also +rep using the bot with $rep username using their Trade Hub (NVSTly) username, or $rep @user works as well.
Note: There is no negative repping for multiple reasons. It is unlikely we will consider negative repping in the future, we strongly believe against it and the potential abuse it creates- +rep is hard to earn already.

Filters & Search- On the Trades page the dropdown filters on the right for Stocks & Options now work as intended. You can also use the search bar to search for trades by a specific trader or a specific ticker.

$help command additions - We've added buttons to the $help command which shows more info about trim/partial exiting, averaging, and miscellaneous commands such as $rep & $stats.

Deleting account command has been added ($deleteaccount) it uses a 2 step process to avoid any mishaps. Deleting your account will REMOVE EVERYTHING and it can NOT BE RESTORED!



Trades page updates/refresh- It has always been intended from the start that PRO Members will have access to real time or live data on this page. Meaning, you can be watching the page and if someone inputs a new trade you will see it instantly. For beginners or non subscribed traders, this now has a 15 minute delay. This is for numerous reasons; resources on our server & bandwidth, when our ELITE Team™️ of analysts start calling out trade alerts to our PRO Members it will be done so by using the bot and not having a delay on the Trades page will allow free traders to see premium alerts for free.

Fixed issue with not being able to open/close any options within 10 minutes of market closing.

Hot Stocks are now working as intended, showing in order the most traded stocks (within our platform)

Fixed an issue with percentage movement on the stock pages, previously they were not showing any data.


On Our Side:

Issue was happening when logged into an account that had been deleted, couldn't log into an existing valid account. If the session is invalid, you are logged out automatically.

Disabled a bug that allowed users to create multiple accounts with the same discord account

If you aren't logged in you CAN see other people's profile/dashboard

Hid +rep button on dashboards if not logged in.

We've created an easier way to see all the servers the bot is in.There has been an issue with the bot's status suddenly disappearing, we've added something to update it's status every 10 minutes until we come across the issue that is causing it. We have some ideas, but can't pinpoint it for sure yet.Assigning version numbers- To help better track our revisions and updates, we've assigned standard version numbers to each release. Using only 2 decimals, the first being new versions and the second being revisions/updates. We release implemented features quite often, but we only announce them in groups rather than for each individual change/fix. We consider revision numbers to update when we announce these added features or changes, currently with this changelog we are v0.3 beta.

Note: When all features originally planned are implemented and properly working is when we will announce the "official release" of the bot, referred to as the first version. (v1.0)


What's to come:

Opened & recent trades on dashboard should be implemented in the coming week. You will be able to see all your open plays and other users will be able to see your latest trades for the day. We had it working on our test host server, but had some issues when we implemented it on our actual host.

We are adding a $setup command for server owners & admins to easily setup the bot within their server. Currently, the bot needs to be given permissions to work in channels or remove channel permissions to not work in channels. This command will allow you to set up a whitelist for channels it should be used in. With the setup it will allow you to choose roles that allow access to setup functions.

My favorite to come is the "Blog" page! Text (.txt) files are typical for changelogs. Which we will continue to do that will cover in depth every added feature, changes, or fixes. With the blog page, we will be able to announce changes to every Trade Hub (NVSTly) member who is not a user in our Discord. We will also have plans to use this blog to provide educational content and market news. We'll be looking for someone who has good literature and writing skills to contribute content for the blog, if this sounds of interest to you please send an email to [email protected]


Final Notes:

Each week we are getting closer to being able to predict an official launch date, this is exciting news for us. Our platform will always remain free to use that we strongly believe should offer exceptional user experience that meets our expectations and high standards. Offering a subscription service to traders who would like to help support us is a milestone we have planned in the far future. This plan will give added perks which will be announced at a more convenient time.

Operating a platform such as this isn't presently bank breaking, but over time as new traders participate the data we need to access to will need to be upgraded to keep providing an extraordinary user experience. We have some future plans to generate a self-sustaining platform and compensate the development team for what they are accomplishing- if you would like to show your support sooner and buy the team a cup of coffee, donations can be made via PayPal, CashApp, or crypto.

    PayPal: [email protected] OR PayPal Donate
    CashApp: $TradeHub
    Coinbase: [email protected] - Can transfer any crypto & for free when doing coinbase-to-coinbase transfers.
    Crypto: Contact us if you'd like to donate a different coin/token [email protected]
        Bitcoin (BTC): 3NPwubJKVwn751NGrTgwZoP9ALsDQuEA5p
        Ethereum (ETH): 0xd8842865661b6901F04593d216Fe061DE906f312
        Litecoin (LTC): MJH2gpgZnkVts4Y1S6cvoLfmab1MthDYoT
        Ripple (XRP): rw2ciyaNshpHe7bCHo4bRWq6pqqynnWKQg - Memo: 514910569
        USDT Addresses: 
             TRC20: TPfsBMDZTfkBQTcq1y1bhNshACjkFpaQnT
             ERC20: 0xd1d5B859f3BbB3671D77B4aD6130aB8AbA6cF2A9
             BEP20: 0x45Ac4b386c78F2E4394DDfF947Dd626340da521A

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