
Week 4 BETA - Changelog

by rich • Dec 12, 2021 • 28
edited by rich on May 1, 2024

GREAT NEWS! Today, we received notice that Discord has APPROVED the Plays Bot for verification! We are very grateful to everyone who has adopted our bot, participated, and contributed. We are anxiously waiting to see the platform take off with user growth as we count down to the version 1 release.

It's officially been 4 weeks since we released beta. It's been incredible to see the growth and traders engagement, it's been used by analysts for their call outs, others for social trading, and some even to track their trades rather than a spreadsheet. The potential is endless, and we've only just begun! 

This weeks release focuses more on improving the usability and user experience rather than the addition of appealing features- though you will like the new feature of now being to see all your open trades within the dashboard. To see all the added features, changes/fixes, and what's to come by checking out the latest changelog.

Don't forget to check out the #💵💰giveaways channel this month to earn the chance to win $50 crypto, Discord Nitro, and t-shirts from our Hubert collection.



News and Updates

Added Features:

Dashboard display of latest trades is now functional, it will display the last 200 plays. We've added a toggle button to filter out open or closed trades. At this time, we do not have the resources to display profit/loss for open trades on dashboards without providing a smooth experience.

When the bot is invited to a server, it now sends a message stating two useful commands to better help setup the bot. $whitelist [add/remove] #channel will allow you to set the channels you only want it to be used in. Our bot recognizes server admins, only allowing them access to $whitelist and future (if any) setup commands- you can add staff members that may not have server admin permissions by using the $adminroles [add/remove] @role. Using the command command by itself with no syntax will show you the list of whitelist channels or admin roles.
    Note: You may list multiple channels or roles with a single use. Also, You can still use the old way of just setting permissions- though if a user tries to use the bot in a channel it does not have required permissions, they will receive a DM with perms checklist, the whitelist prevents this.

When bot replies with invalid ticker message, it now includes a "Report" button that may be used to report tickers that should valid. It sends us the ticker and we forward that our API provider, which is usually fixed same day or next.


Mid last week we started experiencing some frustrating downtime issues, the bot and website would randomly restart themselves without providing us any errors. We worked on some output logs to help pinpoint the issue, allowing us to discover some inefficiencies  with how our database was operating. We've implemented a patch and have had 100% uptime since, not relating to any updates we needed to manually restart for.

When using $stats [@user/trader_name] and user has no account with Trade Hub (NVSTly) it will no longer display your own stats, instead replying the account mentioned doesn't exist.

Read message history is now a required permission. This will also help if for some reason the bot restarts soon after you given a command input trade, as it will still execute the action when it's back up.

On Our Side:

Stats for number of created accounts are now being tracked.

Force closing traders plays. When a trader tries to close their play and there's an issue with the bot or it is down, we can then force close that play for them at the proper price if they provide screenshot of their message. We will also force close plays that traders forget to close only if they provide proof such as screenshot (trade size can be croped out) of the play in their trading app. 

Not quite related to bot; Membership button on website has been enabled- listing premium packages and the perks they include that we plan to offer when we officially launch. Note: Prices shown may be changed at any time before launch, we have not figured out membership pricing- PRO will remain affordably low. Keep in mind, our platform will ALWAYS be FREE to use, PRO just includes extra perks to those who support us.

Known issues:

RANKINGS- We know rankings aren't fair. At the time of this changelog, the only requirement to rank is a minimum of 7 trades. We are working on a formula for a points system that will factor in total (or closed) trades, win rate, avg gain, options plays, and stocks plays that will contribute to an overall score. Ranking is very important to us, we have future plans regarding awards for top ranked traders so it is imperative that the system is fair to all and transparent. We are looking for someone who is either good at creating a points and scoring system or perhaps someone exceptionally knowledgable with math, please reach out to us! [email protected]


What's to come:

-Proper stats calculations for trim/partial exits.
-One time reply to traders about announcements, updates, scheduled maintaince.
-Better handling of invalid tickers. Aside from our new report feature- If a ticker has a price but no profile and other data, it deems it invalid. So long a ticker has a price, we can allow it to validate itself if missing profile, and alert or create logs for tickers missing this data.
-Community leaderboards- servers will have the option to apply for their own leaderboard that shows ranks of only their members. In the future, we will also offer for a premium the ability for any community/server to embed these leaderboards onto their own webpage- allowing them to display the data with their own design. Note; We aren't promising this feature in next weeks release, but it is a priority of ours.
-Ability to remove plays for traders. If for any reason a play needs to be removed with good reason, there will be a simple command to do so on our end.


Final Notes:

As the userbase grows so will the operating costs, to provide exceptional uptimes and a smooth experience we will need to generate some type of revenue to cover costs. We're holding off as long as possible on web ad's as they are an eyesore to any website. When we've reached that point we will be offering a very affordable subscription of $6/mo that will give perks such as advertisement free, and most importantly real-time data. We pay to access stock data, and it is limited to how much we can use it- to keep this project operational we rely on support from our loyal userbase. As we do not currently offer the premium subscription mentioned, you may still donate to help the project with the methods below. We will happily add it towards your subscription when we've reached that milestone, just let us know in our Discord or email your NVSTly username for our records.


    PayPal: [email protected] OR PayPal Donate
    CashApp: $TradeHub
    Coinbase: [email protected] - Can transfer any crypto & for free when doing coinbase-to-coinbase transfers.
    Crypto: Contact us if you'd like to donate a different coin/token [email protected]
        Bitcoin (BTC): 3NPwubJKVwn751NGrTgwZoP9ALsDQuEA5p
        Ethereum (ETH): 0xd8842865661b6901F04593d216Fe061DE906f312
        Litecoin (LTC): MJH2gpgZnkVts4Y1S6cvoLfmab1MthDYoT
        Ripple (XRP): rw2ciyaNshpHe7bCHo4bRWq6pqqynnWKQg - Memo: 514910569
        USDT Addresses: 
             TRC20: TPfsBMDZTfkBQTcq1y1bhNshACjkFpaQnT
             ERC20: 0xd1d5B859f3BbB3671D77B4aD6130aB8AbA6cF2A9
             BEP20: 0x45Ac4b386c78F2E4394DDfF947Dd626340da521A

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