Another week done and closer to version 1 release. We're almost comfortable announcing a release date for the middle of next month, we will confirm this within the next update.
It was a slow week here in the development shed at the Hub, our lead developer for the second time in one month had his PC completely crash, so we've been unable to crank out any major feature additions although we did implement some changes with using the bot and fixed some minor bugs on the website.
Leaderboard rankings is at the top of our priorities list, we came across what seems to be a promising formula to score and rank traders so now it's a matter of implementing that into our ranking system. Keep an eye out for blog we plan on releasing soon, this will allow respected members of the community to use our platform to publish solid educational content.
We have enabled more badges that are shown on dashboards. We will release a blog post later on going over what each badge is and how they can be earned.
"Tool tips" were added when hovering over badges, displaying a brief description.
We have changed how the bot checks against options premiums. It now uses the "mid" price rather than ask/bid, with a fair tolerance to allow volatility. Previously it was having issues with traders using either the bid or ask and the bot refusing to log plays, well now it's smack in the middle with what we feel is enough tolerance to help cover volatility.
Trim/partial keywords have been adjusted to help log plays containing any typos. Anything containing these keywords trim
, part
, and scal
will now partially close your play.
When using the website and navitigating pages or refreshing the Trades page, a strange glitch would flicker in the top right corner. This was briefly displaying the notifications menu each time. It has now been fixed.
Fixed bugs with profile avatars and stock ticker images not displaying properly on dashboards and stock pages.
We made a change that now removes Discord oauth data we don't need such as usernames with tag numbers.
Missing ticker data- We are aware the bot will reply with an invalid message for genuine tickers, though this is out of our control what we can do is report these tickers that are missing data to our market data provider. Please use the "Report" button when you come across an invalid ticker that should be valid. The more feedback you beta testers provide, the better for all. We appreciate you!
-We will be revamping the partial/trim system to properly calculate stats.
-We are still in the works of developing a better system for rankings, we have finally got our hands on something but it will take time to implement.
A big thanks to everyone who supports us and keeps this project alive, we enjoy seeing the widespread use of this platform.
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